Edward Burgess, Artist Name "Kane" Is a multi-disciplinary visual artist and creative branding influencer serving his local community in the areas art, print, business operations & marketing strategy since 2013. Kane is influenced by his experience growing up in an midwest urban, blue collar environment In his hometown of Toledo, OH; with a deep African American family influence in Art, Music, Fashion & Design from the soulful city of Detroit, Michigan where his family roots originated.


             took his natural interest in these subjects to new levels by taking a passionate initiative to acquire more skill and knowledge in artistic style and design principles consistently over the past 10 years by seeking out opportunities with local organizational leaders, apprenticeships with industry experts and enrolling in master courses & trainings that continued to sharpen his talent and skillset. This dive in approach to his talent allowed him to materialize the creative ideas that he loves to provide to his peers in the community. Further helping those around him bring life to the dreams & ideas they have of becoming the ultimate versions of themselves.

Kane's motto is from "Vision to Fruition", which considered personal mantra that he embodies daily, his satisfaction comes from the process of seeing a subject that started as a thought materialize into the world as something that society can see, feel and use.